I am a freelance life drawing tutor working for several companies in London; London Drawing and Drawing at Work.

I am teaching portrait drawing online every Saturday 4-6pm GMT, information here.

I am teaching in person life drawing every Saturday, 11 -1 and every Sunday 1-3pm and 3.30 - 5.30pm , in Waterloo, London, information here. 

I am teaching some Tuesdays, 7-9pm in Covent Garden, London, information here

I am also available for private tuition and classes.


Structure of the Hand and Foot,
Mondays 6.30 - 9pm, 9 - 30th September 2024, £121 (£109 promo code: earlybird) book here

Structure of the Head and shoulders,
Mondays 6.30-9pm, 7 - 28th October 2024,  £121 (£109 early bird) 

A short tutorial on drawing hands for The Royal Over-Seas League


A short tutorial about portrait drawing created for The Royal Over-Seas League