I paint and draw people as if they are transparent, weaving and darting around, inside out. My works capture particular states of mind, how it feels, rather than how it looks.
I have been awarded several shcolarships and prizes, my work is in held in notable collections. I exhibit widley within the UK and abroad.
      I am a freelance artist and tutor in London and online. I have been facilitiatiing life / live drawing since 2011. I am open to commissions and collaborations. I continue to be involved in various artist collaborations and groups. I regualrly undertake comissions and sell original works and prints. 


2023 ‘Drawing Inside Out,’ The Crypt Gallery, London, UK


‘Riverside Artists Group Annual Exhibition 2024’ Polish Social and Cultural Association, London UK,
‘Brighton Fringe Flicks,’ Lewes, UK
The Nave,’ Kruja Castle, Durres, Albania

‘Figuratively Speaking,’ ArtSect Gallery, London, UK
‘Creators Studio Concepts,’ CMDMSTUDIO, ACAVA, London, UK 
‘Passagi Atina’ Aliso Beatrice, Atina, Italy
‘We Like 'Em Short Film Festival,’ Oregon, United States
Art Car Boot Fair Online 

‘Drawing Humans,’ XYZ Gallery, London, UK

2023 ‘Borders.’POSK, London, UK
‘Creators Studio Concepts,’ ACAVA, London, UK

2022 ‘Its a pattern, Art Car Boot Fair,’
‘Many Rivers to Cross,’ Riverside Studios,
‘Creators Studio concepts,’ ACAVA, london UK
‘The Electic Art Car Boot Fair,’ online here
‘Postcards from the Rivers Edge,’ Robert Phillips Gallery, Walton-on-Thames, UK

2021‘Josie Deighton,’ Royal Over-Seas House,  London, UK
‘End of Year Show,’ London, UK
‘Queen and Country, Art Car Boot Fair’ online
‘The Art Car Boot Fair, Flora and Fauna’ online
 ‘One Year of Creativity,’ London drawing, online here
‘Unfinished Business,’ Blenhiem Grove, London, UK, online here
‘ I Dreamt I Woke Up,’ Central Space Gallery, London,  online here

2020Riverside@Riverside,’ Riverside Studios, London UK ,
‘Response - At a Distance’ , Riverside Artists Group, online here
‘The Art of Isolation,’ Unit 38,  London,  UK
‘The Viral Art Car Boot Fair,’ online

2019 ‘Diving Line,’ ACAVA Central Space Gallery, London, UK
‘Salon de Refusés,’ Camden Image Gallery, London, UK

2018 ‘Sounds of an Unquiet Mind’, Queen Mary University,
London, UK; ‘Hart club Fundraiser Auction’, Hart Club, London, UK;
‘Riverside Artist Group,’ ACAVA Central Space, London, UK;
Studio Show, Greatorex Studios, London UK

2017 ‘Recent Works,’ Teatro La Grada, Madrid, Spain;
Open Studio, Greatorex Studios, London, UK

2016 Recent Works, Teatro Del Grada, Madrid, Spain
Riverside Artist Group, America Square conference centre, UK;

2015 Best of the Drawing Year, Christes, London, UK;
The Royal Drawing School, London, UK;
Open Studio, Tea Building, London, UK;
El Camino, Hortensia Gallery, London, UK;

2014 Riverside Artist Group, Hortensia Gallery, London, UK;

2012 The Artists Playground, Antwerp Mansion, Manchester, UK;
Queer [S T A T E], The Vaults, Birmingham, UK;
Midnight Portrait,
Minerva Gallery, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; online here
Midnight Portrait, Tolouse Café, Cluj- Napoca, Romania;
Midnight Portrait, Cafeuana L’Atelier, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

2015 Postgraduate Diploma, The Royal Drawing School, London
2013 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Birmingham Institute of Art and Design
2012 Erasmus Scholarship, Universitatea Arta si Design, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2010 Foundation Diploma Fine Art Foundation, Sussex Coast College


Freelance Life Drawing tutor, privately and for 
 Drawing at Work and London Drawing.


HRH King Charles; Tavolozza Foundation, The Artists at Work; Abrahams Design

2015 Catherine Yarrow grant; 2013 Pip Seymour Painting Prize; 2012 Erasmus grant

Sajid Rizvi, ‘’Diversity is Alive and Well in London RAG Artists’ Show,’ Art Criticism Today, 11.04.2017
Jeeti Singh, “The Drawing Year at Egon Schiele, The Radical Nude,’’ The Royal Drawing School blog, 2.1.2015; Hannah Furness, “The picture that made Prince Charles turn coy,” The Telegraph, 18.11.2014;
The Daily Mail, “Portraits of a Prince…” 20.11.2014Ferencz Zsolt, “{translated from Hungarian} Five Artists, Five Countries, One Vision: Portraits at Minerva Gallery”, Szabadsag, XXIV, 25.04.2012, page2